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Shooting our BBC Bitesize Show!

And that’s a wrap!

This week, we filmed our live action puppets for our new BBC Bitesize project! We had a fun-filled few days working with the custom puppets and hand-made props alongside a really talented team and it all went off without a hitch.

Our show, containing 17 episodes lasting around one minute each, is aimed at 3 to 6 year olds and focuses on personal development and mutual understanding. Each episode tackles a different topic, from feelings and what to do when you or someone is upset, to healthy and safe foods. The aim for the show is to inform and educate children while also being visually interesting and engaging to watch.

The next stage of production will be building the 2D assets and creating the animated sequences for the narrator sections of the episodes. We are really looking forward to seeing how this project develops and seeing it all come together!

We can’t thank our team enough, both puppeteers Sarah Lyle and Mike McNulty, Ben Jones filming and Ben Luke controlling the sound recording were all outstanding and so much fun to work with.